I Don’t Believe!

As Christians, we are guilty of constantly doubting. We live in such unprecedented times where nothing is certain. We are skeptical of what the Lord is truly capable of doing for us. We
often manifest with our voices that; He won’t do it, He can’t do it, it’s simply not possible.
Leading us to say, “I don’t believe that can happen for me”. The thing is yes, it is impossible, for us men but, not impossible with God (Luke 18:27). This is when Faith comes into play.

Our minds can’t comprehend, nor will our strength make the impossible happen, but God can! How can I be sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see? In our journey of faith, we often face uncertainties, challenges, and moments where everything seems unclear. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that faith must become our anchor.

Faith is not merely believing in something despite the lack of evidence; rather, it is complete confident trust in God’s character and His promises. It moves us beyond our own understanding and reliance on circumstances, into a realm where God’s faithfulness becomes our certainty. Attaining a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7) even when everything is opposed of what we hope for.

In the Bible, we see countless examples of individuals who demonstrated unwavering faith in God. Abraham believed God’s promise of a son even though he and Sarah were beyond childbearing years. Moses trusted God to part the Red Sea, leading the Israelites to safety. And David, facing Goliath, relied on God’s strength rather than his own. Likewise, we still serve the same miraculous God. Our faith today can move mountains (Matt. 17:20). It gives us courage to face trials, patience to endure hardships, peace and hope to persevere through difficult seasons.

Faith is not passive; it prompts us to action, obedience, and prayer. It invites us to surrender our fears, doubts and uncertainties, knowing that God is in
control. As we nurture our faith through prayer, Scripture, and fellowship with other believers, it grows stronger. It becomes a shield against doubt and a source of strength in times of weakness. Let us therefore hold fast to our faith, knowing that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

May our lives reflect the power of faith, drawing others closer to God’s love and truth. We need to stop believing such lies ceasing negativity and begin professing that the impossible is indeed possible. May we always remember that with faith, nothing is impossible (Matthew 17:20). Transition that negative mindset into a positive one, “I DO BELIEVE”!

By Katherine B.

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